What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops.
Matthew 10:27
The Path of Faith
As disciples, we’ve answered the call to both follow Jesus and guide others along this path, yet we’re now awakening to our ongoing journey of learning and transformation. While the initial confession of faith is pivotal, it merely marks the starting point. In Romans 12, Paul urges us to embrace this transformative process, emphasizing the renewal of our minds as a crucial element. Together, let’s explore the essence of discipleship, embracing challenging truths and the commitment it demands in our walk with Jesus. Through this, we uncover the profound joy of serving, loving, and advocating for justice in our world.
Bible Verses
- Genesis 21:8-21
- Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17
- Romans 6:1-11
- Matthew 10:24-39