Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.

Philippians 4:4

We humbly seek forgiveness for contributing to the problem rather than being a part of the solution for our troubled world. Sometimes, we may stray after other gods, be they gods of nation or self, instead of focusing on the God we are meant to worship. There are moments when we underestimate the importance of the invitation, and we may attend without fully embracing the spirit of discipleship or bringing our wholehearted commitment. Our dedication is often lukewarm, at best. Therefore, let worship serve as our chance to reengage and recommit to the journey of discipleship. Our invitation is not driven by self-righteousness or a sense of superiority. Instead, we invite fellow stubborn and imperfect individuals to join us so that together, we can gradually embrace the grace of God and receive the God who remembers our true nature and the promise made to us. Worship is reorienting; we find our way back, again and again; we come back to continue on for the long haul.

Bible Verses
  • Exodus 32:1-14
  • Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23
  • Philippians 4:1-9
  • Matthew 22:1-14
Still-Necked People | For the Long Haul | October 15, 2023